Member investigator status may be requested under the research mission, the education and training mission, or both.

SIBCR member investigators are appointed by the SIBCR Board of Directors and hold this status at the will of the Board. Member investigators must adhere to the posted policy and procedures established by the Board and administered by the Executive Director.



  • Research
    • SIBCR member investigators will be investigators of the Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System (VAPSHCS), Seattle and American Lake Divisions, or the Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center (MGVAMC), and have staff appointments. Member investigators will be engaged in the conduct of research as approved by the VAPSHCS or MGVAMC Research and Development (R&D) Committee.
    • Application for member investigator status is based upon: (a) R&D Committee approval of a research project on which the candidate is the principal investigator; or (b) approval for Intramural Grant Funds. The Board of Directors must approve the election of all member investigators. New member investigator accounts may be set up in the interim period between Board meetings, but will not be approved accounts until the Board of Directors has met and voted on the candidate’s member investigator status.
    • Member investigators are to conduct their professional activities in keeping with VA and SIBCR policy for ethical conduct of research activities.
  • Education
    • Education and training that may be supported by SIBCR include:
      • Work-related instruction or other learning experiences for employees that: (a) improve performance of current duties; (b) assist employees in maintaining or gaining specialized proficiencies; or (c) expand understanding of advances and changes in patient care, technology and health care administration.
      • For veterans under VHA care, the education and training may include instruction or learning experiences related to improving and maintaining the health of veterans and includes education and training for patients and families and guardians of patients.
    • Member investigators involved in education activities may be: (a) individuals with staff appointments who are awarded an education training grant; (b) a service chief who receives funds for the benefit of the education and training of the service line employees, patients, or caregivers; or (c) the responsible individual or designee for an education or training initiative or activity approved by VAPSHCS or MGVAMC. Alternatively, if the organizer of an educational activity is not an approved SIBCR member investigator, a member investigator may provide oversight for the individual activity.
    • The organizer of the proposed education activity or activities must obtain the approval of the VAPSHCS or MGVAMC designated review committee. Please see Education Activity Cycle for more information.
      • To apply for member investigator status , the organizer should obtain paperwork from SIBCR for approval by the Board. The Board must approve all member investigators.
        • Educational activities, including patient/family oriented education, must be conducted under highest standards and in accordance with all guidelines of VAPSHCS and the policies and procedures of SIBCR.
  • Special guidelines and procedures must be followed for all continuing medical education (CME) programs under VAPSHCS or MGVAMC accreditation or under the VA Employee Education System (EES). All education activities that involve such accreditation for CME programs should be reviewed with SIBCR before any funding is sought. Agreements from sponsors of such programs need to be reviewed by either EES or the VAPSHCS or MGVAMC Center for Education and Development to ensure all CME requirements are met and the agreement language is acceptable.

Please note that the education and training programs described above do not include educational coursework towards a degree or other academic coursework.



If a member does not use SIBCR funds to support any research or educational activity for three years, member investigator status may be forfeited.



If a duly elected member resigns or retires from VAPSHCS and no longer has a VAPSHCS appointment, Member Investigatorship in SIBCR is ended.